California Family Law | California Restraining Orders

California Restraining Orders Civil Harassment

How Can I Get a Civil Harassment Restraining Order in Los Angeles County? Or How Can I Fight a Civil Harassment Restraining Order in Los Angeles County? What is considered harassment? Civil harassment is abuse, threats of abuse, stalking, sexual assault, or serious harassment by someone you have not dated and don’t have a close…

California Traffic Tickets | Celebrities and the Law

Travis Barker Gets Some Heat for his Tweet on Los Angeles Traffic Ticket

The Los Angeles Police Department traffic division took some time out of their Thanksgiving schedule to issue a traffic ticket to Travis Barker for tinited windows, VC 26708. From his response we can assume Barker wasn’t thrilled to get the ticket or happy with the attitude of the officer who gave him the ticket. When…

California Criminal Law

A True Black Friday for this Felon

This Black Friday when you are pushing, shoving, jumping, and committing other Olympic feats to get to the hot-ticket items, remember this story and purchase extra security for your new “toys.” This Friday is a dark, dark Friday for a 22-year-old San Pedro man who is in custody for residential burglary. Detectives tracked him down…

California Criminal Law | California Family Law

Friday Family Feud: Child Abduction Charges

This week’s story is about a Lomita family and the child caught in the middle. The boy was in the legal guardianship of his paternal grandmother, which his mother apparently doesn’t approve of. His biological mother, with the help of her parents, abducted the boy from his stroller. This happened while the boy’s relative was…