California DUI law

Probation Violation in California

There are numerous ways in which probation can be violated. Here I will focus on drunk public, probation violation California laws. Probation violation does not necessarily have to involve facing charges or being convicted by a court of law but it is about breaking any law with the knowledge of his or her probation officer….

California DUI law

Joining the Military with a DUI

Drunken driving and serving in the military can be a hazardous mixture. Perhaps this is the key reason why the military has particular guidelines in regards to DUI (driving under the influence) and DWI (driving while intoxicated) arrests and convictions. Regardless of whether or not you would like to join the army or are already…

California DUI law

How are Gun Laws and DUI Linked

Firearms, including guns, are devices that can be used as weapons. The user or holder of a firearm may choose to use it responsibly or irresponsibly. It is therefore important to ensure that controlled use is implemented in order to protect the public. DUI offenders can be referred to as irresponsible because they have failed…

California DUI law

DUI Cases Won in California

Learn About Reasons Why DUI Cases Won in California: With California’s stringent DUI laws, winning a case for drunk driving is an uphill battle; however, hiring an attorney can be a lifesaver. An expert DUI attorney will have access to information and resources that are not available to anyone else. Therefore, the percentage of DUI…